The UK and Europe!

In this particular period of capitalism, global economic forces have produced huge inequalities, environmental damage, and political instability. The interests of global financial stability,  and equity require deep reform of the world’s financial structures and trading systems. Europe was thought to have a vital role to play, in helping to create new models of governments that must be both global and democratic. It has simply failed with most countries in deep crisis.

The current situation facing the UK Government reveals the contradictions within the system, Europe and the Coalition. The bleak choice was to walk away, as we appear to have achieved and face isolation, or proceed along the Liberal Democrat path to bureaucracy, and further austerity measures.  Not much of a choice!  The path is open to a new radical system under genuine democratic control.

Wishing everyone seasonal greetings.

TUC Birmingham Pensions Justice Day 30 November 2011.

A wonderful display of solidarity ensued over the region and indeed the country. Tens of thousands took to the streets in Birmingham, as many also attended picket lines and the many local rallies. People of all ages joined this mass display of strength in support of pensions justice. Almost every public sector union took part in this co-ordinated action called by the TUC. Pickets were out in force at most larger council and civil service buildings, with earlier pickets at refuse collection depots and other locations.They enjoyed huge public support.