Twaddle from the USA!

The Government is failing in its pledge to rebalance the economy, which is now more dependent than ever on financial services and still remains hell bent on destroying our National Health Service. Of course, it has  little chance of rebalancing the economy, particularly as it is in denial about so many economic facts. But it can reverse some of it’s lunatic policies of further fragmentation of our healthcare system and privatisation. The worldwide system of capitalism is in a deep and irreparable state of crisis. And do not believe the twaddle from the USA economists. It is a tissue of lies.

If you live in or around Birmingham UK- join us at the following meeting.
March and Rally- Who Owns the NHS? 10th November 2012- 1-15pm
The list of speakers for this important meeting and rally is now confirmed as;

Peter Last WMPC- Chair
Joe Morgan- GMB Regional Secretary
Dr Jacky Davis- NHS Consultants Association
John Partridge- Unite Regional Assistant Secretary
Mary Locke- Unison NEC and Health Worker
Gail Adams- Head of Nursing- Unison- Chair of Mary Seacole Committee- Unison.
Meeting at Carr’s Lane Church Centre, Birmingham City Centre, Near Birmingham New Street Station- Saturday 10th November 2012- 1-15pm- 5-0pm.

Plenty of opportunity for all those attending to speak and contribute to this important debate.

Ivor Timson MSc (Econ)