No return to the 1930’s!

Six years since the near collapse of the global financial system, we continue to face an economic and social crisis. Trillions of dollars have been poured into the private banks to stave off disaster and the result has been to transfer their debts onto the books of national governments causing an immense debt crisis. The response of governments, has been to adopt extreme and far reaching austerity policies. In this way, they have sought to make the poor pay for the current crisis whilst attempting to deal with the systemic crisis of the capitalism system by reverting to the form it achieved in the 1930s, without social policies. This meant for example, a visit to the doctor was often unaffordable. Recently discussions around these very topics have just been aired in the UK. Many of the less well of in our society are having to face the burden of this continuing crisis. Universal benefits for pensioners are also being threatened.

Let’s make the future demonstrations and meetings this year the largest ever. Our voice must be heard and acted upon.

And now we have the spectre of the so called ‘green shoots’ but it is only achieved by a pretentious economy, with it’s artificially low interests rates and the continuous printing of money. And there are interconnections with my recent surveillance article and I intend to expand upon this in my next post.