Poor standards!

Poor Standards. France has lost its top AAA credit rating from Standard and Poor’s and eight other eurozone governments have also been downgraded by the ratings agency. But who are these people with a very discredited history? And now they seem to have the power to destroy millions of peoples lives, hopes and are accountable to no one. Again, they are pure speculators and merchants and are so desperately trying to save the failed capitalist system. So much for democracy!

Economists and our bonkers system!

How can making millions unemployed make any economic sense? How can continuing wars make any sense? How can bailing out the Banks and Bankers make any sense? Is there any sense left! And there are still buffoons who still advocate- let the market prevail. There is a sound moral and economic case against the policies now unfolding. We must continue to develop radical alternatives to these ‘Tea Party’ politics, which will change the social and political landscape and scapegoat the poor and our services; in favour of the rich and the multi-corporations. The rich get richer as I type and the tax dodgers still dodge. Lets start a new society based upon grass root democracy, involving all communities. Perhaps, we can start with a huge campaign of resistance which is beginning to develop!