Economists and our bonkers system!

How can making millions unemployed make any economic sense? How can continuing wars make any sense? How can bailing out the Banks and Bankers make any sense? Is there any sense left! And there are still buffoons who still advocate- let the market prevail. There is a sound moral and economic case against the policies now unfolding. We must continue to develop radical alternatives to these ‘Tea Party’ politics, which will change the social and political landscape and scapegoat the poor and our services; in favour of the rich and the multi-corporations. The rich get richer as I type and the tax dodgers still dodge. Lets start a new society based upon grass root democracy, involving all communities. Perhaps, we can start with a huge campaign of resistance which is beginning to develop!

The UK and Europe!

In this particular period of capitalism, global economic forces have produced huge inequalities, environmental damage, and political instability. The interests of global financial stability,  and equity require deep reform of the world’s financial structures and trading systems. Europe was thought to have a vital role to play, in helping to create new models of governments that must be both global and democratic. It has simply failed with most countries in deep crisis.

The current situation facing the UK Government reveals the contradictions within the system, Europe and the Coalition. The bleak choice was to walk away, as we appear to have achieved and face isolation, or proceed along the Liberal Democrat path to bureaucracy, and further austerity measures.  Not much of a choice!  The path is open to a new radical system under genuine democratic control.

Wishing everyone seasonal greetings.