Lies and Spies!

Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, has now published more revelations about how we are all being spied upon. The Guardian in my view was correct to reveal these allegations,

Mr Rusbridger insisted the paper was right to publish files leaked by the US intelligence analyst and had helped to prompt a necessary and overdue debate. Apparently, most European leaders and many millions, in France, Spain, Germany and the UK, have seen their phones tapped and been spied upon.

Mr Snowden, a former CIA contractor, fled to Russia with a wealth of secret data, including that held by GCHQ in the UK’s- Britain’s electronic eavesdropping agency.

The stories that followed in the Guardian newspaper, based on material provided by Mr Snowden, revealed the huge capacity of British and US intelligence agencies – GCHQ and NSA – to monitor communications. If your mobile is encrypted, they can crack it and your privacy is not safe!. If Parliament’s not going to have this discussion then we should.

In his first public speech since his appointment to Director General in April, Mr Parker said intelligence gathered by GCHQ had played a vital role in stopping many UK terrorist plots over the past decade. This is highly debatable and even if if true, at what cost to the average person, who are already suffering from stress and anxiety, caused by the bankers and a corrupt system.

How many lives have been lost as a result of our recent wars, surveillance, artificially low intest rates, quantitative easing and the politics of sheer insanity? Some may be ok with being watched, or their phone is tapped, until it happens to them.

How many pensioners will die this winter as a result of the energy companies greed? The ones who do not survive will not be spied upon- I hope.

All this is simply unacceptable to me and underlines my economic arguments that our present system is politically and financially bankrupt and should be changed.